Redevelopment of the G-pier aprons at Schiphol Airport

Mar 2014 – Dec 2017

Project description
Six aprons with each two passenger boarding bridges and one apron with one boarding bridge. In total 13 boarding bridges have been replaced.

Schiphol Airport has build gatehouses on the aprons to separate the passenger flows to different floors of the pier. During the installation of the gatehouses, the existing passenger boarding bridges have been replaced as well. The long “over the wing” bridges and existing apron drive bridges have disappeared and made space for two apron drive bridges. 

While working for Deerns, I have been responsible for the new design and layout of the aprons including the new passenger bridge solutions. All but one apron facilitates aircraft of code C up to code E. The difference in aircraft sizes and the limited space on the aprons, created a challenging puzzle for all systems (bridge, fuel, ground power, PCA) to connect all aircraft.

Additionally, after reconstruction of the aprons, creative solutions made it possible to facilitate longer aircraft (B777-300) at the stands G4 and G6.

Recently the last old passenger bridge at G2 has also been replaced, finishing the redevelopment project at the G-pier.

The G-pier before

The G-pier after